It’s my belief that the first weekend back from a long stay away should be productive. For practical reasons, you have to put away your Christmas decorations, do some laundry and a bit of cleaning – but I also found myself doing small projects and a lot of cooking (recipes to be shared!).
One post holiday project that I wanted to do is sort of silly, but necessary! I remember seeing or reading about making a holder for your credit card that you sewed up, so that if you wanted to use it, you had to literally cut it out of its holder to use it. Which will ensure, of course, that you actually need to use it instead of just splurging on yourself at anthropologie….or, you know, wherever.
I had some left over fabric from my card catalog project and thought that this specific fabric would be great to use:
My original plan was to cut out “EMERGENCY USE ONLY” and sew or glue it to the other side, but after cutting out 3 letters, I decided to not bother.
However, I think the next time I reach for my credit card and I see this face staring back at me, I’ll think again.
Not the best craftsmanship I’ve ever done, but for a 10 minute project and hopefully a bit of debt relief, I think it’ll do.
I also got around to finishing an embroidery that I started over three months ago! I found myself getting frustrated with it almost immediately when I started, then I picked it up last night and finished it within an hour
It’s a companion piece to my other embroidery. I’m creating a small collage on my wall along with a print that my BFF gave me for Christmas (the peacock) and a print from a RISD craft show (artist: Alli Coate).
I think it needs just one more small item. I’ve been eyeing this print from OldSchoolStationers that I may purchase. I also need a frame for the peacock print, but the clip works for now.
Hope you all had equally enjoyable weekends!
Yay peacocks!